A natural-born leader, who commands respect. He doesn’t revel in his position, because taking charge is in his nature. Get him into any group, and he will lead.
Self-aware and takes praises and criticisms graciously. He is not one who is easily offended. He doesn’t pay attention to anyone whose only intention is to bash or discredit him.
Drawn to the weak and oppressed, having the powers and skills to defend them. It is easier for him to confront someone else’s tormentor than his own.
While he is quick to react, he does not allow his emotions to cloud or consume him, especially in fights. He wants to be focused on his goals. He relies on his confidants with whom he shares his ideas, and to help keep him focused giving him advice and support, and fend of distractions.
He exhibits humility, empowers others with self-control, knowing our limits, being externally aware of our surroundings, and being receptive to constructive criticism. One of his biggest human traits that martial arts develops in practitioners is humility.
Gentle to all that endear him. He can be stern, but will not intimidate nor strike fear. He is an ordinary human to people closest to him.